COVID-19: Supporting Local NJ Beer and Breweries

The world is facing an unprecedented global pandemic, but we as a society are trying to maintain life as close to normal as possible. There’s a fairly wide margin between today’s normal and the normal of a few months ago. Does “normal” really have any meaning? One thing that has tried to normalize as much as possible is the brewing/beer industry.

UPDATE May 7, 2020

More NJ breweries are getting into the home delivery game, almost all are doing some form of curbside pickup. To more easily facilitate those kinds of transactions, many breweries have set up online stores. As always, I realize this isn’t 100% exhaustive and the situation in is very fluid. of New Jersey, with breweries continuing to enhance and/or simplify the customer experience in terms of how to get beer. Several of the breweries have a minimum amount for deliveries, a limited delivery radius, plus a delivery charge. To reiterate, I would strongly, strongly encourage anybody getting home delivery to tip. Lastly, the best way to keep up with each brewery is to follow them on social media (Instagram | Facebook | Twitter).

I’ve also cleaned up the bottom half of the page and organized the list of breweries I’ve been tracking since mid-March alphabetically. The list at the end of this page (Click to jump to Master List) does NOT include the UPDATED LIST list immediately below.

Governmental rules being enforced to protect society at large from the spread of the pandemic are changing on a daily basis. We really don’t know how long the world, specifically the United States, is going to be adjusting to this pandemic and what the long-range impacts will be once we have this in the rearview mirror. But that could be weeks to months from now. I’m not going to speculate beyond that, I’ll just suggest going to the CDC’s website for COVID-19 for more information and heed your local and State government.

Business, especially local businesses which are seeking to live out their own American Dream, are struggling or will be struggling. Sadly, there’s a very good chance that some of these small breweries may be unable to weather the storm the coronavirus has caused. The NJ Beer Community has always been a great, well-connected community. Breweries are always trying to help each other, the people who buy and drink NJ beer are very loyal to their local purveyors of that fine beverage made from water, grain, yeast, and hops. That theme has become very evident during this pandemic.

In New Jersey many breweries have relied on Taproom sales to be successful; drawing crowds to share their beer and conversation. Well, with the Social Distancing mandates being put forth, that side of the business for these breweries is not currently really possible. Many breweries are shifting to “to-go” sales only – that means packaged goods like cans, bottles, and for some, growlers and crowlers. Other breweries are delivering their beer in the immediate area of their production facility, thanks to NJ Governor Phil Murphy’s Executive Order 104. Like everything else about this pandemic, who knows how long this will last.

While some of the larger non-macro breweries are well worth supporting in these times (breweries like Sierra Nevada, Victory, Jack’s Abby, Bell’s, etc. who have illustrated a great sense of community in addition to making great beer), now is a better time than ever to support the ultra-local breweries in your area. Go to them and buy some of their to-go options directly from the brewery. Pick up some of their beer in your local bottle shop/liquor store. Hell, if you have the means, buy some gift cards to use at a later time.

For NJ specific breweries, Mike from New Jersey Craft Beer has been working to spread the word of the breweries that are doing the TakeOut option.

The master list for all the breweries I’ve thus far included on this post is listed below. I initially borrowed a portion of the list from the good folks over at reddit’s NJ Beer forum highlights the breweries who are doing to-go pickups (and deliveries) of their packaged goods. The reddit thread can be found here ( and seems to be continuously updated by Matty and the other moderators over there so the list below is probably incomplete as of the time you are reading this.


Listed alphabetically excluding the most recent updates at the top of the post (Click here to go back to the top)

Many other states are likely following suit, I’d say check in with Breweries in PA for information about breweries in the Keystone state, like this post Breweries in PA Offering Delivery Options in Response to Coronavirus.